Women at Netlogix 🚚

Mar 8, 2024

Natalie Wallace - Chief Growth Officer

Please provide a brief overview of your career summary

After more than three decades of experience in International Freight Forwarding, Contract Logistics, Transportation, Warehousing, and 3PL Logistics across various industries including Manufacturing, Consumer, Finance, Technology, Retail, FMCG, and E-Commerce Fulfillment, I have finally discovered my ideal fit at Netlogix.

What’s motivates and inspires you?

What drives and ignites my passion is the opportunity to tackle new challenges, innovate, and make a meaningful impact.  I thrive on human connections and cherish the opportunity to interact with others. My inspiration stems from various sources, including my husband of 39 years, whose resilience in overcoming a challenging battle with cancer is truly admirable. I'm also deeply inspired by women who have ventured into entrepreneurship, successfully balancing the demands of family and career. Additionally, I draw strength from friends who have faced adversity head-on, yet continue to persevere and positively impact the world around them every day.

What are some of the biggest shifts you have seen across the workforce?

The most notable transformations revolve around two key factors. Firstly, technology has revolutionized the landscape. When I first entered this industry, our tools were rudimentary - typewriters, carbon paper, Telex Machines, and traditional pen-and-paper methods. The evolution since then has been nothing short of remarkable.  Secondly, witnessing the empowerment of women within this field has been truly inspiring. I still remember being told that I wouldn't thrive in this industry simply because of my gender. That moment ignited a fire within me. It's incredible to observe the breadth of change that has taken place, with women now making significant strides and contributions throughout the industry.

In what ways can we empower women and promote gender equality?

I firmly believe that fostering empowerment and promoting gender equality begins within the home. In our case, we set an example by challenging traditional roles, with my husband taking on the role of the primary caregiver while I pursued a full-time career.  Our daughters were raised in an environment where it was entirely natural and acceptable for their father to fulfill this role.  As a result, we've raised two incredible, independent, and assertive young women who are fully confident in their belief in gender equality.  As business leaders, regardless of gender, it is both our responsibility and privilege to empower women and advocate for gender equality. We must continually strive to set higher standards and ensure that there is equal pay across all sectors of the industry. It's not only about fairness and justice but also about maximising the potential of our organisations by harnessing the talent and perspectives of all individuals, irrespective of gender.

Renata Roberts - ANZ HR Manager

Please provide a brief overview of your career summary

I completed my degree in HR & Management and have worked in a variety of businesses within the Logistics and FMCG environments for several years.

What’s motivates and inspires you?

I am motivated and inspired when I am part of a team who are all accountable and do their best to play to their strengths and work collaboratively to deliver great business outcomes.  I love seeing people grow and develop during their career and having the leadership and coaching support to help their growth.  I have been very fortunate throughout my career to have some really senior leaders guide and support my career growth and development and push me to step outside of my comfort zone to take those opportunities to develop.

What are some of the biggest shifts you have seen across the workforce?

I have seen that shift in ensuring we are more intentional about the gender balance and diversity across the workforce.  Working heavily in the logistics industry in particular, this has traditionally been quite a male dominated environment, we have seen more women in leadership positions and more flexibility across teams - whether its locations, part-time hours or just the ability to start and finish a bit earlier - this was not something that was previously considered and that allows us to achieve that work-life balance across everyone and support a more diverse workforce.

What kind of influence do you strive to have on your female colleagues and wider business?

I strive to encourage my colleagues to go after opportunities and stretch themselves to grow and develop in their career or personally. If you think you can or you think you can't, you're right!

Matilda Cameron - Marketing Coordinator

Please provide a brief overview of your career summary

I finished university in 2021, and, after an internship and temp role within the financial services, I started at Netlogix as a Customer Services Administrator on a temp contract. I then moved in Operations as a Transport Scheduler and after a year of learning the transport industry, I moved into my current role as Marketing Coordinator.

What’s motivates and inspires you?

The urge to continuously keep learning and trying new things. Seeing other women in leadership roles who have come from similar roles and experiences as me, especially in a male dominated industry, motivates me to continue to work hard and progress myself and my career.

What are some of the biggest shifts you have seen across the workforce?

I've only been working full time for 2 1/2 years so far, so I am yet to see any big shifts, but I have high hopes that the shift towards more equality will continue.

How far do you think we've come in terms of gender equality, and what are the biggest challenges that remain?

I do think that we have come quite far, especially in the last 10-20 years. Seeing more women in leadership roles and being recognised for the work they do is very encouraging. However, I think there is still a long way to go, especially in industries such as Transport, where it is heavily male dominated. But I do believe that we will get there in time. It is important that businesses prioritise and put resources into ensuring that this can happen.

Estelle Rewiri - Business Development Manager

Please provide a brief overview of your career summary

Since starting my career journey in 2013, I've always had customer facing roles and thrived in them, mostly due to being a people person I think. Post completing my business degree in 2019, I found my way into logistics working my way through the gloomy covid lockdowns. I never expected to love it as much as I do or to be where I am now. Since then sales within the supply chain and logistics arena has always been my home.

What’s motivates and inspires you?

I'm inspired by female leaders in the industry like Nat! She's a girls girl and wants to see us all win which is inspiring. My little sister Rangipawa also motivates me as she's 10yrs my junior and looks up to me as a role model so that always helps me to push forward and persevere regardless of the challenges.

What are some of the biggest shifts you have seen across the workforce?

At Netlogix it's been refreshing seeing more females coming through our office and given equal opportunities and support where it’s needed. When I first started at Netlogix, the ladies here welcomed me with open arms and I think that's something admirable about our workplace culture and energy I try my best to maintain when new females come through.

What kind of influence do you strive to have on your female colleagues and wider business?

The supply chain and logistics sector is hugely dominated by men, when I had first come into the industry it was quite intimidating being a newbie and the only female in a room full of assertive men. Fortunately I have since overcome that obstacle and turned it into a strength and can speak confidently in any room regardless of the gender balance in the room. Having experienced some of the challenges of gender imbalances in the workplace myself, I always make a conscious effort to introduce myself and make myself familiar with any new comers - invite them to upcoming social events, encourage their involvement in different initiatives so they feel valued and comfortable in a new workplace. I strive to uplift the other women so we can all go be great and excel in our careers.