Netlogix CFO, Ant Self, talks B Corp for B Corp Month 2024

Mar 27, 2024

B Corp at its core is about simplifying complex matters and bringing it back to our purpose and connections.

Fundamental change driven by shared culture across all our people, collaboration in our communities, and a commitment to a shared responsibility for the future.

For Netlogix, it’s our adopted environmental, social, and governance goals framework and it’s at the core of our business model – we’ve built a freight solution that benefits everyone. All we need to do is work together.

We bring shippers and carriers together and apply technology and expertise to create efficiencies right across the transport ecosystem, delivering on improved service and savings in cost and carbon.

Efficiency and ease of management is everything. Netlogix creates a win-win-win – taking the best elements of industry expertise, partnerships, and data-led, future-focused technology to create efficiencies right across the transport network.

Here at Netlogix, our mission is clear: transform and disrupt the traditional freight model, fearlessly re-imagine, and simplify the future of freight, using digital technology to unlock efficiencies.

Do better, do good, move more with less.

We see a lot of what’s moving across supply chains in Australia and NZ. Three noticeable trends we are seeing are:

  1. Shipper and Carrier expectations are changing caring more about harm to the planet.
  2. Optimisation and efficiency save money as well as being more sustainable. And,
  3. Togetherness matters, bringing good social responsibility, higher care, and better service.

We are enjoying our first B Corp month, having become a verified B Corp company late last year, taking time to celebrate, collaborate and communicate.

Working alongside B Lab advocating for inclusion of all stakeholders, efficiency, and sustainability.

Happy B Corp month everyone!

If you are interested about the process of becoming a B Corp, the business impact assessment is a great place to start or get in touch to discuss how we started our B Corp journey.